Monthly Archives: August 2013

Dakota: Five Months Old

Dakota has mastered unassisted sitting this month, but she can’t get into a seated position by herself yet, and she’s not too eager to roll onto her stomach since she gets stuck there. So it’s still fairly easy to get a picture of her lying on her back and looking up at the camera. We’ll see how things progress… in a few months I may have to change our setup if she won’t stay on her back long enough to get a picture. I finally got a full smile out of her this month (and it’s in focus!) but for some reason her eyes look a little cross-eyed. I promise she doesn’t look cross-eyed in person. 🙂 And there are dinosaurs on the leg warmers, in case you couldn’t tell.

five monthsIt seems a little silly to include the pictures from previous months since I haven’t blogged at all since last month’s photo shoot, but too bad, I’m doing it anyway.

four months

three months

two months

one month

The leg warmers from month 3 are still my favorite, and she gets complimented on them all the time. 🙂