Monthly Archives: July 2015

Dakota: 2 years, 3 months

Whew, 2+ weeks late, but I got ‘er done!

2 years 3 months

And previous picture for comparison:

2 year

Her hands are behind her back for the current picture because she refused to put down her very own special camera:

With Camera

I negotiated the photo session by agreeing to take turns having my picture taken with her new camera. Here was her best attempt:

Toddler camera skills

Not bad. Sadly her camera doesn’t have a flash so non-blurry indoor shots are probably going to be tough for her. I actually originally set Dakota up with my 10-year-old point-and-shoot, but it’s so small that her fingers ended up blocking the lens at least 90% of the time. She liked it enough that I decided a camera more designed for her current dexterity level would be worthwhile. Really the old iPhone that we set up to be “her” phone with games and such has a much better camera, but it just doesn’t look sufficiently camera-like. I wonder if there exists an iPhone case that bulks it up and makes it look like a “real” camera with a “lens” centered on the back and such. I’d buy that. 🙂