Monthly Archives: September 2014

Clothespin Board

I made a thingy. To hold coupons. Or perhaps it could hold other things, but for now it holds coupons. Behold! Clothespins on a board:

clothespin board 001

I found the board in our supply of scrap wood and stained and sealed it using some leftover stuff we had lying around. I probably would have gone darker with the stain if I was buying stuff specifically for this project, but I actually like how it turned out with the lighter stain.

clothespin board 003

I spent way too long scouring Pinterest trying to figure out the optimal way to color wooden clothespins. Spray paint, RIT dye, food coloring? Finally I realized I was waaaaayyyyy over thinking it, and dug through my box of old craft supplies. I found a 10+ year old bottle of metallic purple  acrylic and a little paintbrush, and just slapped it on, not worrying about it.

I wasn’t sure if wood glue would work with the polyurethane on the board, but the backs of the clothespins are still raw wood and I guess the glue is holding up okay.

Anyway, I’m using this to keep track of my coupons, since they didn’t do me much good stuffed in a drawer:

clothespin board 010

And I hung the thing on the back of the door so I don’t have to look at the inelegant coupon display if I don’t want to. Instead I can look at sad puppy-dog eyes:

clothespin board 009

Anyway, I bought some of those command strips to attach it to the door since I didn’t want it to be permanent, and eventually I’m going to paint the beige door so it’s white. So I didn’t quite manage to spend zero dollars on this project, but I’m still pretty proud of my thrifty scavenging around the house for most of the supplies. 🙂

Dakota: 1 year, 5 months

Well, I took the photo a week late, and didn’t get around to this post for another 4 days after that, but I still did it! Yaaaaayyy. I need some more fabric paint color options for the shirt.

1 year 5 months

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1 year 4 months

1 year 3 months

1 year 2 months

1 year 1 month

1 year