Blog Archives

Dakota: 1 year, 6 months

One and a half! Awesome. Her hair is slightly weird in this picture because it was only partly dry after her bath. 🙂

1 year 6 months

Previous even-numbered updates:

1 year 4 months

1 year 2 months

1 year

And here‘s last month.

Dakota: 1 year, 5 months

Well, I took the photo a week late, and didn’t get around to this post for another 4 days after that, but I still did it! Yaaaaayyy. I need some more fabric paint color options for the shirt.

1 year 5 months

Previous months:

1 year 4 months

1 year 3 months

1 year 2 months

1 year 1 month

1 year

Dakota: 1 year, 4 months

I ended up with two pictures I really liked, so I cropped and white-balanced both. For now the one of her smiling wins, but maybe later looking back I’ll go for the contemplative one instead.

1 year 4 months

Past months:

1 year 3 months

1 year 2 months

1 year 1 month

1 year

And here’s the runner up for this month:

1 year 4 months 2

Dakota: 1 year, 3 months

new shirt this month! I just rotated the colors, boooring.

She can kinda understand that I want her to stay on the fireplace, but she seemed absolutely sure that she should be sitting. I managed to get her to stand mostly by standing on the fireplace myself and then racing back to my spot and trying to get some pictures before she sat down again. Asking “How big is Dakota?” helped delay her sitting a little. It worked out nicely since this has been one of her favorite games for the past month, so it’s great to preserve the moment so appropriately. 🙂

1 year 3 months

Past months:

1 year 2 months

1 year 1 month

1 year

And just for fun, Dakota thinks it’s hysterical to charge at me when she sees me with the camera, mostly because I shriek while vainly attempting to adjust the focus. ha. ha.

charge the camera

ham it up

Dakota: 1 Year, 2 Months


She’s another month older. I painted some butterfly wings onto the “1”, added a 2 and an “s” onto the “month” part, and voila! 🙂 I could probably turn the 2 into something fun next month, but I think I’ll just move to a fresh shirt instead.

1 year 2 months

Past months:

1 year 1 month

1 year


Dakota: 1 Year, 1 Month

Tralala! I decided to just add more words to the same shirt. And maybe I’ll turn the “1” month into butterfly and put a “2” next to it next month. Who knows? 🙂

1 year 1 month

Here’s last month:

1 year

Dakota: 1 Year (the start of another set of monthly photos)

I doubled up the photo for month 12 so that I could have one with the original setup and one with my new setup. My criteria for this new setup pretty much revolved around making the whole affair as low-stress as possible. Here is the result:

1 year

The fireplace is great because it gets decent light from multiple windows and it’s really easy to frame the shots consistently from month to month. The baby gate blocking the actual interior of the fireplace isn’t exactly the most photogenic, and it may not be there forever, but too bad I refuse to care. I’m not going to worry too much about random other things appearing on the hearth (like the drum this month) other than vaguely attempting to keep the little gold dragon in the shot. I figure Dakota can keep wearing whatever bottoms she has on for the day, and I can just change her into the shirt for the picture.

The shirt itself is a size 4T undershirt (they run pretty small) that I got in a pack of 5. I painted the lettering on, but it was actually made incredibly easy when I learned the trick of ironing freezer paper onto fabric to make a peel-away stencil…

Shirt stencil

I was able to buy a pack of freezer paper in regular letter-sized sheets, and print out the design on my inkjet printer. Then I used a craft knife to cut out the letters, and then just ironed the paper waxy-side-down onto the shirt. Painting was trivially easy at that point. Finally I can put the years of randomly accumulated fabric paint to use!

Freezer paper stencil

I’m thinking I’ll add the words “and 1 month” to the same shirt for next month. and then… I dunno, cross out the 1 month and paint in “2 months”? Or maybe I’ll switch to another shirt from the same pack after that. Maybe I could add a little picture stencil for each month too? Hmmmmm.